Wednesday 20 March 2013

Robots Created in Photoshop

These are robots that I created by merging together a photograph of myself with photographs of circuit boards. I like this work a lot as I think the different colours of the circuit boards make the piece vibrant. I also think that the way I edited the face makes the robot look very creepy and lifeless. I created this piece by cutting up layered photographs and changing their opacity. I also adjusted the hue and saturation to get the different colours for the circuit boards, as well as changing the brightness and contrast on the full image.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Primary Images of People

These are some photographs that I took to use as reference for my initial experiments. I will use these photographs for drawings and digital experiments. Since I will hopefully be making a robot of myself it is important to see what I look like and how I stand.

Monday 11 March 2013

Magazines Collaged into Robots

These are collaged robots that I have made using magazines. I think creating collages like this is a good way to think about creating 3D robot models by using mannequins and dolls.

Robot Mood Boards

These are mood boards that I created to use as inspiration for my Robot work. I have gathered these images from the internet my thinking of robots in popular culture. My favourite robots are the Kraftwerk Robots as they are very human like and reminiscent of mannequins.